Individual Development Plans

Individual Development Plans

As the adage goes: “Some leaders are born. Many are made.” It is incumbent therefore on the Leadership development professionals to take on the onerous responsibility of “making” or help develop leaders.

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Identifying your High Potential Leaders – Part 2

Identifying your High Potential Leaders – Part 2

In our last blog, we spoke about the imperative of identifying high potentials and the tools and processes that can be used. In this blog, we shall focus on the other imperative – the capabilities that high potentials must have and their buy-in to develop themselves on those capabilities.

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Creating Value in a VUCA World

Creating Value in a VUCA World

One of the greatest challenges for the sales force in the VUCA environment is the increased competition and the skills required to tackle those challenges. All businesses have competitors, and in some cases, competition in some industries is so fierce that competitors have to fight for the business of potential customers.

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Identifying Your High Potential Leaders – Part 1

Identifying Your High Potential Leaders – Part 1

People are the biggest resource in any organization and, therefore, the high potentials are the most valuable ones. In line with the Pareto Principle, research studies done by Indiana University and University of Iowa suggest that a small section of high potentials drive a large proportion of organizational success (1% high potentials drive 10 % organizational results, 5% high potentials drive 25 % organizational results, and 10% high potentials drive 80 % organizational results).

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