Strengthening the Vital Link – 6 Key Challenges of Middle Managers
The middle managers play a vital role in executing this new strategy for the organization as they must translate the business strategy into operational plans and energize the front line of the organization to “make it happen”. In other words, to build high-performing and successful businesses in the new world of work, middle managers must understand the new challenges and demonstrate behaviors different from the past.
The Quandary of ROI on Coaching
By Suman Sethi Updated on Tue, September 13, 2022 Debate on “what is the ROI on coaching” has been one of the longest standing debates in the leadership development arena. For there to be trepidation about the return on investment when a development methodology is...
Designing High Potential Development Journeys: 7 Learning Accelerators
7 Learning Accelerators to design High-Potential Programs that deliver impact !
Transitioning into First Time Manager
Getting promoted to a managerial position is a significant and first milestone of an individual’s career. It is an endorsement that the person has been doing a good job and gives a person an opportunity to pursue exciting new responsibilities. Despite all the good things that come with such a promotion, it is a big change that can bring with it challenges the new managers might not anticipate.
Leadership Coaching
Coaching of course is the method to enable powerful reflection- reflection that produces powerful learning and great clarity.
Equipping Middle Managers to be Inclusive
Fostering a culture of inclusion requires every middle manager to ensure that no employee gets left behind, everyone feels included, everyone is given an equal opportunity to progress and that every employee feels connected with the organization.
Four shifts Middle Managers require to perform their role effectively
Mid-level managers are the lynchpins for organizations. They play a vital role in executing the strategy of an organization. They must translate the business strategy into operational plans and energize the front line of the organization to “make it happen”. If they...
First Time Manager Development – Navigating the Journey to faster transition
Being a First Time Manager, is the first step for any professional into the role of a manager. Any change is highly disrupting, and so it is for a new/first time manager. The transition requires change at various levels, the emotional response to the uncertainty of...
Psychometric Assessments for Leaders : A fundamental constituent for Inclusive leaders
Inclusion a hitherto latent cultural and strategic imperative has seen considerable impetus in the recent years. We can now take heart that the organisations which are the flag bearers will be able to show the business and cultural returns on their investments on...
Building Talent v/s Buying Talent
If there ever was a time the “the war for talent” looked like anything close to a war, it is now. The “war” has almost created an environment of attrition, which is industry agnostic. It has created scenarios that are almost amusing were it not for the fact that this...
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