Intelligent and Incisive Leadership Assessment

Intelligent and Incisive Leadership Assessment

Leadership Assessment – Setting the context In our previous few blogs we have been exploring the different challenges that leaders in today’s VUCA environment have been facing, and the kind of competencies they need to display to effectively navigate these challenges.

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Leadership Skills for a VUCA World

Leadership Skills for a VUCA World

According to a recent IMF, world economic outlook update, India is projected to accelerate to 7.7% growth in FY 2018-19 as compared to its projection of 7.2% in FY 2017-18, implying that India is expected to remain the fastest growing G20 economy.

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Negotiation Skills in the VUCA World

Negotiation Skills in the VUCA World

Only half way through the year, yet 2017 has witnessed an unprecedented increase in the number of mergers and acquisitions. Be it with the bank consolidation process encouraged by the government or the mergers in the telecom sector. We are rapidly moving towards an era where companies are no longer limited to functioning within their boundaries.

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Decision Making in the VUCA world

Decision Making in the VUCA world

Decision making and problem-solving are terms that are thrown around quite loosely in any leadership development context. A leader is expected to be one who can control his emotions, can think through complex situations and not be shy to take a tough call.

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