Best Development Program for Frontline Leaders at Zee Entertainment – Brandon Hall HCM Excellence Awards 2023

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Best Leadership Program for Frontline Leaders

We are proud and happy to announce that we, along with Zee Entertainment, have won the GOLD award for ‘Best Leadership Program for Frontline Leaders’ at the Brandon Hall HR Excellence Awards 2023.

The Brandon Hall Group is a premier global organization that recognizes best practices for initiatives in Learning and Development, Talent Management, Leadership Development, Talent Acquisition, Human Resources, Sales Performance, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, and the Future of Work.

We developed a 4 month journey for Zee which was highly customized to the need and the role of the Managers at Zee. The Journey consisted of Insight discussions, Pre & Post Assessments followed by designing the modules and elements of the journey. The program consisted of –

  • Project Selection – Managers had to come up with their own project based on the template shared with them, that would showcase Business (Financial) and Learning (Leadership skills) objectives that defined Action plans and Success measures for the project.
  • In-person Module Sessions – Three in-person modules were delivered covering the critical areas of Role Understanding & Understanding Self, Being the New Age Manager and Driving Results – which provided hands-on learning experiences and opportunities for participants to interact and collaborate with their peers.
  • Coaching – 2 external coaching sessions and supervisory coaching sessions provided personalized guidance and support for participants as they navigated their Leadership styles.
  • Gamified Learning – The Interactive game-based learning experiences, provided by Master-O, engaged participants whilst reinforcing key concepts.
  • Convocation – This culminated in celebrating the participants successful completion of the journey and achievements as Front-Line Managers.

The Journey Intervention showed positive results with participants demonstrating growth in essential leadership skills and contributing to Zee’s success.

Celebrating Leadership Development Excellence 3 Years in a Row

This award also marks a hat-trick of awards bagged by the InspireOne team, three years in a row!

Leadership Development


Accolades like these inject us with a confidence that drives us to deliver the best solutions in Leadership and Organizational Development for all our customers.

Explore our Leadership Development solutions.