
The Channel Management program makes the participants learn how to train and motivate their channel partners to achieve business results by setting performance standards and monitoring results. Whether the resource is newly appointed or experienced, this very practical program gives a wealth of ideas for achieving the company targets as well as channel targets via case studies, role plays and business simulation exercises.

High Spots

  • Identifying your own channel management style and learning how to adapt it to suit different partners
  • Getting key insights into relevant marketing and financial techniques which will help you advise your partners
  • Learning performance indicators which generate win/win outcomes for all parties
  • Able to recruit the right channel partners to match your own channel portfolio
  • Able to produce & present business plans that win commitment from your channels
  • understand the importance of KPIs in channel management & how to set them so you con monitior activity and targets.
  • Using the right marketing techniques able to advise your partners on their marketing
  • A flexible channnel manager – understanding that different channels need different management
  • Able to motivate your distributors & their sales teams for a win/ win outcome
  • Implementing distributor training programmes that ‘stick’
  • Applying the principles of partnership selling – while training on the job & Joint calling
  • Able to act as a business advisor to your partners profitable business

Key Topics

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